Secondary parkinsonism+Parkinsonism in other disease


postencephalitic Parkinson disease: Parkinsonism following encephalitis, historically seen as a sequella of encephalitis lethargica (Von Economo Encephalitis). The early age of onset, the rapid progression of symptoms followed by stabilization, and the presence of a variety of other neurological disorders (e.g., sociopathic behavior; TICS; MUSCLE SPASMS; oculogyric crises; hyperphagia; and bizarre movements) distinguish this condition from primary PARKINSON DISEASE. Pathologic features include neuronal loss and gliosis concentrated in the MESENCEPHALON; SUBTHALAMUS; and HYPOTHALAMUS. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p754)

Data source
FinnGen phenocode G6_PARKSCND
Hospital Discharge registry ICD-10: G21, ICD-8: 3420[8-9]
Cause of Death registry ICD-10: G21, ICD-8: 3420[8-9]
Level in the ICD-hierarchy 3
First defined in version DF2
DOID 14332
GWAS catalog 1001402
MESH D010301
SNOMED CT 19972008

Key figures

Sex All Female Male
Number of individuals 266 117 149
Unadjusted prevalence (%) 0.2 0.16 0.26
Mean age at first event (years) 60.2 61.05 59.54
Median number of events / individual 1 1 1

Clinical metrics

Sex All Female Male
Recurrence within 6 months (%) 29.7 29.91 29.53
Case fatality at 5-years (%) 15.04 12.82 16.78
